A mathematics learning game prototype for Android - Turku Game Lab
Kingdom of Add
Challenge was to create a mathematics learning game prototype that didn't rely on reading at all. All information in the game is via symbols or images.
My game design was to create a kind of medieval game where you conquer the area of current France slowly by attacking different castles with Trebuchets. While of course learning addition.
Trebuchet ammo can be seen next to the trebuchet in piles, the walls get progressively worn down as the game progresses. Only + and = signs are used in the prototype.

First prototype of the game was quickly written in JavaScript as a browser game to get the game logic working. First prototype of the game had a nice target.
Then some quick lowpoly 3D-models were modelled in Blender, sadly fear of Disney goons made the castle much more boring. Some placeholder images were created to use as ingame UI-components.
Game logic was written out in C# in Unity.
Three animations were made in Blender to show different flightpaths of the boulders. One which is too low, one which is too high and one that hits. These were done to show the player intuitively was his answer too much or too less.
Some sound effects were made and a repairing logic if the player answers wrong more than 2 times.
Prototype was built and playtested in Android.
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